Saturday, September 17, 2011

12 Weeks

So, after 3 weeks, I suppose it's time for a new post.

Garret and I had an incredible week this week.  On Thursday, we had our next appointment and we got to hear Baby Prince's heartbeat for the first time! :)  It was the most amazing feeling to have that first real connection with your baby.  I had been having a tough time grasping the reality of the situation.  As I explained it to Garret one night, I know 100% that I am pregnant, but to me "being pregnant" just consists of a bunch of signs and symptoms.  I seriously didn't believe that there was an actual baby growing inside of me.  To me, being pregnant and having a baby inside of me were two completely different things.  Well, there's no denying they are one in the same now. :)  I feel like we just found out we were pregnant all over again.

Garret took a recording on his phone of the heartbeat and we have listened to it about a million times by now.  I get that mushy, sentimental feeling every time I hear it.  And of course, I tear up everytime too, but it's not like that would surprise anyone. :)

Our midwife (all our prenatal care and delivery will be through the midwife for those that don't know) said that we would probably be ready for the ultrasound around the end of October or early November.  That is the appointment that I absolutely can't wait for!  First of all, I'm especially anxious to find out whether we are having a little boy or girl.  (I'm going out on a limb and saying Mama's intuition says girl!)  More importantly, I can't wait to see a picture of our sweet little baby.  I thought hearing the heartbeat was amazing, I can't imagine how it will feel to actually see the baby.

A girl at work told me a cute little story yesterday about what her and her husband did when finding out what gender their baby was.  They asked the ultrasound tech to not tell them what the baby was, but instead write down on a piece of paper "boy" or "girl", seal it in an envelope, and to put the picture showing proof in another envelope.  They took the envelope with the word to a local grocery store, asked the bakery to make a small cake and either put raspberry filling or blueberry filling in the cake depending on what was in the envelope.  They then found out what their baby was when they cut into the cake.  I don't think I have enough patience to wait for a cake to be made to find out that kind of info, but Garret and I are discussing how we want to find out.  We want to have a special moment just between the two of us when we find out.

Anyways, there I go rambling again.  Have a good weekend everyone!