Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Finally homeowners!!

For about 3 years now, we have been thinking about buying a house, looking at houses, working on getting financing for a house, blah, blah, blah.....

As of March 14, we can finally say we own a house!  It wasn't without complications of course, though. :)

We started looking at houses in January (for the second time).  One day, we looked at 7 houses!  That day, we found one we really liked on French Island.  We thought about it for a few days and were ready to put an offer on it.  Our realtor wanted to make sure that was the one we really wanted and encouraged us to look at a few more, just to make sure.  We picked more out and looked at about 8 or so more over a couple days.  We are soooo glad we did that because we found a house we loved even more.  It had one more bedroom, a bigger deck and yard, and just a little more living space.  We were supposed to close on March 8, but the mortgage company didn't have all the paperwork processed by then, so it was put off a day, then a weekend, then 3 more days.  I won't go into all the details, but it was so frustrating (that's probably an understatement).  Anyways, we still moved in on March 9 and haven't looked back! It will be even better once we're done dealing with our previous landlords and the ridiculous fees they are charging us....

Jackson soaking up the rays while Garret and I do some work on Day 1

Play Room

Mason's Room

Master Bedroom.  It is amazing to finally have colored walls after 28 years with white walls in every house I've ever lived in!!!

Living room with a fresh coat of paint

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