Thursday, October 3, 2013


So I may or may not have been slacking in the blog department recently.  I've let the last 2 months slide I guess.  I figured I'd better make sure I do a post for the big 18 month milestone!  I hope you have some time, this could get long! :)

  Mason is so much fun these days.  Along with the fun comes the typical toddler misbehaving, though, as well.

18 Mason Facts:

1.  Mason doesn't have his 18 month appt until October 22 because we are switching doctors.  Health insurance got too expensive at my job, so we found another option and are able to switch to a doctor closer to home.  I've been trying to weigh and measure him with our scale and tape measure, though, and the last I got was about 24-25 lbs and STILL 31 1/2 inches!  I don't understand how this kid's pants can get too short for him, but yet he hasn't grown.  Or he can now reach stuff on the kitchen table and bathroom counter, but yet he stays the same height.  I'm really interested to see what his stats are at his appt in a few weeks!

2.  Mason's words have taken off!!  He is such a smart kid.  He understands basically everything we say, and says quite a bit too.  Somedays he mumbles more than others, though.  He can identify all household and farm animals and tell us what sound they make.  He says "Hi" and "Byebye" all the time.  He signs and say "more" (usually referring to food), says "all done" and "all gone".  "Uh oh" is still one we hear quite often.  I really need to make a list of words he says because I can never remember them when I try to think of them.  He knows the difference between a basketball, football, and baseball.  He just started saying "No" yesterday and I just cringed.  He's held off saying it for so long, I was hoping it'd still be awhile.  It's so hard not to laugh when he says it, though, because he purses his lips up tight when he does it.  He's usually being a little stinker and pushing mama's buttons when he says it, though, so I do everything I can not to laugh. I could probably be here all day coming up with words, so I'll try and make a list before next month.

3.  Mason has 10 teeth, with no more in sight at this time.  He has the 4 front teeth on the top and bottom and all 4 of his 1 year molars.  He's always been behind the curve with teeth, so I assume the canines will still be awhile.

4. Mason pretty much runs wherever he goes, and he LOVES to be on the move.  His newest and proudest accomplishment lately is that he can jump.  It started off with a week or so of what Mason thought was jumping, but his feet never left the ground.  Then one day he started jumping with his feet off the ground and he now will jump forward a few inches.  He loves to do it and is so proud of himself when he does.  Mason is also a climbing machine!!  He will climb anything and everything he possibly can. 

5.  Due to his toddler never stop, no fear mode, Mason ended up with his first "big" injury a couple weeks ago.  He fell in the driveway and ended up with a face full of scratches!  :(


6.  Mason's favorite animals right now are puppies and lions.  Since pretty much everything in the last year and a half has been puppy themed for Mason, we decided to have him be a lion for Halloween.  Whenever you ask him "Mason, what does a lion say?"  He does this completely adorable little growl.  Can't wait to show him off on Halloween.  Here's a preview of his costume.

7.  On July 31, my brother and Mason's Uncle Nicholas moved to San Diego.  It was a heart breaking time for me, especially, because we are the only siblings and we are extremely close.  It also broke my heart to know that he wouldn't be getting to see Mason very often as he grows up.  Nicholas came home for a week last week, so we got to see lots of him!!  Mason sure loves his Uncle Nicholas.  :)


Jackson also missed Uncle Nicholas a lot.  I wish I would have gotten his first reaction, but this is after he had already freaked out for about a minute.


8.  Mason is still pretty on and off with food, although he is getting better.  He still is SUPER picky about meat.  He will rarely eat meat here at home, unless it's hot dogs.  He sure does love spaghetti night though!

9.  Mason also LOVES chips!!  He will stop at nothing to get them.  One day, he kept going in the cupboard and getting the bag of chips.  I kept telling him no and putting them back.  He took an opportunity while I was going to the bathroom.  I came out of the bathroom and couldn't find him anywhere.  I finally saw a couple little toes sticking out from behind the recliner in his bedroom.  The little stinker had gotten the bag of chips, and hid behind the chair eating them as quietly as he possibly could.  We're in trouble....

10. Mason is still such a big helper.  He loves to help sweep, load/unload the dishwasher, clean his highchair tray off, help with laundry, etc.  

11.  Along with helping around the house, Mason also loves to clean himself, whether it's washing his hands and feet in the sink or taking a bath!  We are very thankful for this as it makes bathtime incredibly easy and fun!

12.  Mason loves water and is constantly asking for more "wa wa".  :)

13.  Mason has a newfound love of books.  He doesn't really like to sit a listen to a whole story read, but rather he likes to interact by asking us what everything is, repeating us, and pointing to things when we ask.  He has an alphabet book that we read with him and he has started repeating all the letters after us.  It is so cute!

14.  Mason still yells to get what he wants, but not all the time anymore.  He is getting much better at asking for "more".  If he doesn't get what he wants after about 20 seconds, THEN he starts yelling.  We're glad it's improving, though.  :)

15.  Mason's fine motor and hand-eye coordination is very good!  He likes to try and stack things and will try to pick up the littlest things off the ground, usually a crumb of some sort.  :)

16.  We found out that Mason loves the apple orchard.  The last few years, we have gone to Bauer's in La Crescent to get our apples in the fall, but this year we decided to go to Ferguson's in Centerville, since there was more for Mason to do there.  We went twice in one week and he loved it!

17.  Mason continues to be a pretty good sleeper, sleeping through the night 95% of the time.  The last few nights we think he has been having nightmares, though, because he will make some sounds in his sleep like he's scared and then wake up screaming.  Poor guy.  :(

 18.  Mason is still such a goofball and we love him so much!  Even though he can be exhausting at times, he brightens our days and makes us laugh so much!

Decided he didn't want to take a nap

Thought it was hilarious to throw his blanket on Jackson's head

So excited to be drinking out of a big boy cup for the first time

I told him to make a funny face   :)

He thinks it's funny to make anything that's not a hat, a hat.  On the contrary, he hates wearing hats...

See what I mean??

 I'll leave you with one last video....   :)

Have a great month!
Amy, Garret, and Mason

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