Sunday, November 27, 2011

23 Weeks

22 Week photo

Oops, guess it's been a little while since my last post.  It seems like all I do lately is work, work, work! :(  Garret and I had a fun Thanksgiving.  We went to the cities and spent the day with his family at Kristine and John's new house (which is beautiful, by the way!).  But then it was back to work for both of us Friday morning and all weekend long.

Some big things have been happening since my last post.  I last posted after our ultrasound, which seems like sooo long ago already.  Since then BP (which Garret and I are calling him since it's easier to say all the time than Baby Prince) has definitely increased his wardrobe.  I'll post a few pictures of my favorites below. Also, I can definitely tell he's getting bigger each week, because his kicks and flips get more noticeable as time goes on.  I started feeling the first movements at about 17 1/2 weeks.  I felt him from the outside at 20 weeks.  I still am only able to feel him from the outside, though, when I'm laying on my back and press on my stomach a little bit.  I can feel him kick back at me.  Garret had been telling me how it was so cool that I could feel him moving around and he couldn't wait to get his chance!  He had spent a few nights with me pressing his hand into my belly so he could try and feel for himself.  Finally, about a week or so ago, he felt BP kick back!  He was so excited.  It was such an awesome feeling for both of us to share.  I could feel him from the inside at the same time Garret felt him from the outside.  We can finally interact with our little one a bit!:)

At the beginning of the pregnancy, it felt like we were always waiting for something.  Waiting for the next doctor appt, waiting to hear his heartbeat, waiting for the ultrasound, waiting to feel his first movements.  Now that we are past all that, time is really starting to fly by!  These next 4 months will be gone before we know it.

Since time is ticking by, we have started talking about things more as we make some fun decisions.  We have decided to decorate his room in a puppies theme (thank you Dana for the suggestion). :)  And since, we've been getting this questions non-stop......Yes, we have been thinking about names, and No, we aren't telling anybody!  Right now, we have 2 front runners that we both love, one more than the other.  That is going to be Garret's and my little secret until D-Day, though.  Reason #1: If we start calling him by a certain name, people will get used to that.  If, for some reason, the name just doesn't fit him when he's born, it will be a bigger hassle if people already assumed that was his name.  That's another reason we aren't getting any decorations or anything with a name on it before he is born.  Reason #2 (and more importantly): People make too many comments.  It doesn't matter whether it's a good comment or a bad comment, people always associate names with other people, places, things, etc.  I don't care or need to know what anybody thinks about the names we have picked out.  We love them and any comments from others could ruin them for us.  Reason #3: Garret and I want something that share between just the 2 of us until the little guy comes.

Whew, I guess this is what happens when I wait 4 weeks in between posts!  Hope everybody had a relaxing Thanksgiving.  Good night!

He has matching shorts for these shoes

My favorite purchase! This is also 1 of 3 puffy vests BP owns already....
The "classy" outfit Garret wants to bring him home from the hospital in. :)

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