Monday, October 31, 2011

19 Weeks


I thought I would show you guys what I dressed Baby Prince up for Halloween...a Jack-O-Lantern!

I think all of you have heard about our ultrasound by now.  I can't believe it was only a few days ago.  It feels like so long ago already!  It was one of the most amazing days of my life.  It truly (finally!) made this pregnancy seem 100% real.  It all happened so fast, too.  When the ultrasound tech called us from the waiting room, we were in the exam room, I was up on the table, and there was a picture of our baby on the screen all in a matter of about 2 minutes.  I turned to Garret in disbelief that the day had finally come.  It was such a surreal moment to see the image of our little baby on the screen.  There was definitely no denying anymore that this wasn't real.

Obviously, we were also excited to find out whether we were going to be getting a little prince or princess.  Now, thanks to our good friend Pat Boos who is an ultrasound technician, we knew what we were looking for.  A turtle on a log means boy, and a hamburger means girl.  I had my eyes scrutinizing every image to see if I could guess before we officially found out.  The first structure the technician showed us was the baby's bladder.  It was an image from the bottom up.  As soon as I saw that picture, I looked at Garret wondering if he had just seen what I had.  I was pretty sure I knew at that moment what our baby was.  I didn't say anything just in case I was going crazy and seeing something else.  I got a little confused during the middle of the ultrasound because I thought I had seen a different image that looked like a girl, so I definitely kept my mouth shut at that point.  When it came time to find out the gender, the ultrasound tech printed out a picture with our proof and wrote on the picture so we knew for sure, then she left the room.  Before she left, I asked her how sure she was of what she had written down.  She calmed my nerves of having the wrong gender told to us when she said "I wouldn't tell you if I wasn't 100% sure."  Garret and I were then alone in the room together and I was nervous to pull out the picture.  I flipped it over, read the words "It's a boy!", and immediately started crying.  I would have had the same reaction either way, but we finally knew! We have a son!  The rest of the ultrasound went by in a blur.  We enjoyed seeing our little guy squirming around like crazy.  He must have been getting sick of getting his picture taken, because by the end of the ultrasound, he kept putting his hands up by his face so we could only get a couple face pictures.  We spent the rest of the day calling our friends and family and telling them the big news.  It's such a great feeling to be able to call our baby " son" and refer to him as "he" and "him".  No more "it" baby!  Before I leave you, I'll attach a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.  Good night! :)

He looks so cozy in there.  :)

Our little guy getting shy

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