Wednesday, October 5, 2011

15 Weeks

It's crazy to think we're a month away from being halfway through the pregnancy.  I still feel like things are dragging along, but the months are definitely flying by at the same time.  Garret and I have our next appt next Thursday.  I'm really excited for it because we get to hear our baby's heartbeat again.  I'm definitely not as excited for this appt, though, as I have been for all the other ones.  Other than the heartbeat, I doubt there will really be anything exciting happening at this appt.  Another reason I'm not as excited for this one is because I know what happens at the appt after this one......the ULTRASOUND!!!!  I can't wait to see a picture of our little precious baby!  I thought that hearing the heartbeat would make the idea of this baby seem so real, and it did....for a little while.  I'm back to the point where I feel like there's nothing inside me anymore.  I listen to the recording of Baby Prince's heartbeat whenever I feel like this, but it only works for a little while.  I really feel like actually seeing pictures of our baby and being able to call it "him" or "her" (FINALLY!) will help this pregnancy feel more real.

Also, I'm (im)patiently waiting to feel the first little flutters of our little one.  I've been researching and found that I should be able to feel the baby move anywhere between now and 20 weeks.  I certainly hope it's sooner than later!  That will ease my mind at all times that our little prince or princess is wiggling away inside. I have a couple apps on my phone that give me daily tips and weekly updates on our baby's development.  One of them told me that starting this week, our baby can start to hear our voices.  They sound very muffled, but it can hear tones and voices.  Of course that means Garret has been talking to my belly even more than before.  I love it though.  He is going to be such an amazing dad. :)

Well, I can't wait to update you all on when our ultrasound gets scheduled next week!

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