Wednesday, October 19, 2011

17 Weeks

Garret and I had our 16 week appt last Thursday.  I ended up being excited for this appointment, after all, because we got to hear our baby's heartbeat again.  It was amazing, again!  It was also sooo much louder and more intense this time.  Garret and I both had a moment of alarm while listening to the heartbeat.  Shortly after our midwife found it on the monitor (which took all of about 2 seconds this time!), the sound of the heartbeat all of a sudden changed.  Garret and I looked at each other with the same thought in our heads.  Garret was the one to voice our concern.  "What if there's two in there?"  Our midwife's expression never changed when the sound on the monitor changed, and she didn't seem to think anything of it, so I'm not too worried, but it definitely got our minds racing for a little bit.  I tried to get the recording posted on here, but I can't figure out how.

The other super exciting thing that happened at our appointment is that we got to schedule our ultrasound!!! It is set for....drum roll Thursday, Oct. 27!!!  I am sooo incredibly excited to be able to get a glimpse of our growing little pumpkin.  And of course, as the entire world knows, I CANNOT WAIT to find out if we're having a little boy or girl!  I feel like once we know that, Garret and I can really start planning things.  We can decide how we're going to decorate the baby's room, we can register, and we can also seriously start talking about names.  Wow, I can't believe we're 5 months away from adding this little one to our family. Whew....

My friend Jackie has been dying to see pictures of the baby bump.  I told her that it would be awhile until I posted some, but since I think I'm past the "Is she pregnant or is she fat?" stage I figured why not.  So, Jackie, this is for you.....

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