Monday, December 26, 2011

27 Weeks

Today has definitely been a busy day!  My parents got us our crib for Christmas, so today my parents and brother came over to help put it together.  Of course, since our house was super messy, I was up early and did some super cleaning for about and hour and a half before they came over.  Then we spent a good portion of the day putting the crib together.  It wasn't a super tough job once we figured out what all the pieces were since none of them were labeled! :)  Here is what the finished product looks like!  I even had to go and get a new crib sheet to put on it.  The cute little basket on the shelf is from my friend Dana. :)

Also, since we're still renting our place, we can't paint and it's highly frowned upon to put lots of things on the wall.  I found these really cute wall stickers on Amazon, though.  They are removable and reusable, so we can transfer them to his new room once we eventually get into our own house.  They are supposed to be coming in the mail tomorrow, and I can't wait to start decorating his room with them!

These are all the stickers we get!
This picture shows how big they are.  The biggest one is 22" x 19"!

Just a short post today.  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!  This is my last week at the pharmacy.  (I put in my 2 weeks at the beginning of last week, for those that don't know.)  I can't wait to have some extra free time to get things done around here and get ready for BP to make his big arrival in 3 months!  His due date is actually 3 months from today!!  Amazing how fast that first 6 months went by....

Good night.  Have a fantastic and safe New Year's everyone! :)

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