Monday, January 30, 2012

32 weeks

31 Week picture

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  Even though I'm only working part time now, it seems like we are so busy all the time.  Which also makes these weeks feel like they are seriously FLYING BY!  I can't believe we are 8 weeks away from our due date.  I started freaking out last week once our weekly countdown got into the single digits.  I realized that I'm not going to be pregnant forever and we are going to be bringing home our little guy before we know it. :)

On January 7, I had my first baby shower.  It was hosted by my wonderful godmother Janet, my godsister Jenna, and a close family friend Jackie.  Shawna was a part of it too, but unfortunately, she got really sick and was unable to make it to town that weekend. :(  I had a great time, though, and it was really fun.  Thank you to everyone that made it.  Everybody that attended got to decorate onesies and bibs for BP and they turned out so cute!

We are slowly, but surely getting BP's room ready for his arrival.  We still have a lot of work to do, but my to-do list is little by little getting checked off.  It is also being added to at around the same rate, however.  Oh well, things will get done when they get done. :)  I love telling Garret what I got done on my days off when he gets home because it makes me feel like I am actually accomplishing things!

Well, time to finish watching the Bachelor (one of my guilty pleasures!).  Have a great week everybody.  We have our 32 week appt on Thursday.  So far, our midwife thinks he has been head down since 28 weeks.  Let's hope he stays that way and makes an easy entrance into the world.  Pretty sure he's going to be a very active little dude if his frequent squirms and wiggles are any indication. :)

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