Friday, August 19, 2011

(Im)patiently waiting to share my news...

  Ok, I can't take it anymore.  I am sitting at home, completely bored, and all I want to do is shout to the world, "I'M PREGNANT!!!"  Yet, here I sit, minding my own business, telling no one.   :)

Let's back up and start at the beginning:
The date is July 20, 2011.  I am driving home from work and call my brother.  I am "2 days late" and need to get this information out of my head and into someone else's.  I haven't said anything to Garret yet, because I have dreamed up this elaborate plan on how to tell him I'm pregnant for the first time, and I don't want to ruin the suprise, just in case...
I told Nicholas that it probably doesn't mean anything, I just needed to tell someone else and not let it bottle up in my head.  That's when I decide I am going to take a pregnancy test tomorrow morning to ease my mind, either way.

The next morning, I wake up before Garret and make the decision that will change the rest of my life.  I take the test, count to 3 minutes in my head, and hesitantly turn to look at the test laying on the counter.  I see a plus sign!  I was in shock!  I go back to bed, but of course I can't sleep, so I get up and start my plans on telling Garret that we are going to be parents!  After he leaves for work, I run to the store, buy my supplies, and get to work.  I made Jackson a bandana that says "I'm going to be a big brother". :)

Garret comes home on his lunch break from his 13 hour day at work.  I left a sign on the door that said "Read Jackson's bandana".  I am (im)patiently waiting in the living room standing next to the coffee table with my 4 (yes, I took 4 tests that day) positive pregnancy tests and a couple Willow Tree figurines I had previously purchased.  When he gets home, I have to hold Jackson so Garret can read his bandana.  For a second, he starts to laugh thinking I was just bored and made the bandana for Jackson prematurely for "when the time comes".  Then, after I see the wheels turning, his face goes blank, and he looks up at me.  With tears in my eyes, I tell him that I'm pregnant!  That was the beginning of the rest of our lives....    :)

 That brings me back to tonight, August 19.  We had originally decided to wait until after the first trimester to make our big announcement, with the exception of some family members and close friends that we have already told.  After realizing there was no way we could wait 3 months before telling everybody, we have decided that if everything goes well at our first prenatal exam next week, the news is coming out.  I couldn't be any more impatient to give the news.  6 days to go and everybody will know!  Time to wrap up this ridiculously long post.  This is my first attempt at blogging, so bear with me.  I just wanted to have a way to keep in touch with everybody during our first pregnancy.  Good night everybody!

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