Wednesday, March 21, 2012

39 Weeks!

We are sooooo close to meeting our little guy!!  Just wanted to give a little update on how things are going.  We have been going to weekly appointments since the end of February.  For the last 2 weeks, our midwife has said I am dilated to 1 cm and am 50% effaced.  We have our next appt this Friday (3/23), so I'm really hoping I have progressed a little further.  She did say, however, that he made a big move last week.  He has been head down since 28 weeks (good boy!), but he has flipped into position and is now in the position he needs to be for delivery.  We are pretty much taking one day at a time and waiting for him to decide when the time is right!  It's been a little frustrating, since I tend to overanalyze every little thing I am feeling.  It's so hard to know if what I am feeling is the start of something or if it is just more "practice contractions".  So far, nothing has picked up enough to be concerned about, so we'll just continue going day to day and waiting. :)

All our bags are packed, we're ready to go....  :)

If there's anything new to report on Friday after our appt, I'll update again.  Either way, keep waiting for your phone calls!!  He will be here soon!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

BP's Room

I know I just posted a few hours ago, but I can't help adding another one.  Garret and I just finished decorating the baby's room with our wall stickers.  It turned out so much cuter than I would have ever imagined.  I thought it would look super random with stickers just put up haphazardly, but it looks like everything has it's place and fits so well!  I also wasn't sure how the stickers would look on the wall since it's a textured wall, but it totally looks like the pictures are actually painted on the wall.  It's hard to show the extreme cuteness with separate pictures, but it'll give you an idea.  I'll start at the door and work my way around the room.

Outside of the door to his room

Wall next to the door with Sammy's tank

Wall opposite of door.  Get it?  He's dreaming about food!  Also, there will eventually be a different frame on that wall with one of our maternity pictures with BP's name spelled out in letter blocks.  Couldn't ruin the surprise this close to his arrival. ;)

Wall opposite Sammy's tank.  There is our rocking chair on the right side, and his closet is to the left.

Wall opposite the crib.  Door is to the left.  Better shot of the dresser in the next pic.

I am so in love with his room!  It was so much fun putting it together. :)

I've been a slacker...

Wow, so I just realized how much of a slacker I've been on my blog lately.  We've been quite busy getting things ready for BP's arrival that I've forgotten to update this in awhile.  Here is my latest picture from almost a week ago.

37 Weeks
This picture marks another wonderful milestone.  BP is full term now!!!  Therefore, he can be born at anytime, not be considered pre-term, and have no problems functioning just as well as a 40 week baby.  We have been so excited for this and are getting so ready for him to come!

Since my last post, I have had 2 baby showers.  My high school and college friend Katie had one for me in Eau Claire the middle of February.  It was so great to see the people that came as we don't get to Eau Claire as often as we would like.  Unfortunately, Garret's mom was sick with the flu, so she wasn't able to come, but she made some awesome things for BP's room.  Garret and I are very lucky as both our mom's are very talented with sewing projects! The picture of my mom's project will be later.

Wall hanging..sooo cute!!

Crib bumpers
Diaper Holder

I had my other shower last weekend with my aunts and cousins on my Dad's side.  We hadn't seen them in awhile, so it was fun to get together before we add another little one to the Springer family.  I finally got to see the project my mom had been working on for awhile.  It turned out so adorable!  I think it will be perfect for a playmat and for tummy time.  As you can see, Jackson tried to sneak in the picture too.  It's made with a bunch of different flannel fabric swatches.  The ears are even floppy on it!

Puppy blanket/playmat.  It's huge!

Well, I suppose I should get going.  Garret's and my project for the day today is to put the finishing touches on BP's room by getting his wall stickers up.  I'll will post again after it's done with pictures!  Have a great rest of the weekend.  The weather is beautiful!!