Wednesday, March 21, 2012

39 Weeks!

We are sooooo close to meeting our little guy!!  Just wanted to give a little update on how things are going.  We have been going to weekly appointments since the end of February.  For the last 2 weeks, our midwife has said I am dilated to 1 cm and am 50% effaced.  We have our next appt this Friday (3/23), so I'm really hoping I have progressed a little further.  She did say, however, that he made a big move last week.  He has been head down since 28 weeks (good boy!), but he has flipped into position and is now in the position he needs to be for delivery.  We are pretty much taking one day at a time and waiting for him to decide when the time is right!  It's been a little frustrating, since I tend to overanalyze every little thing I am feeling.  It's so hard to know if what I am feeling is the start of something or if it is just more "practice contractions".  So far, nothing has picked up enough to be concerned about, so we'll just continue going day to day and waiting. :)

All our bags are packed, we're ready to go....  :)

If there's anything new to report on Friday after our appt, I'll update again.  Either way, keep waiting for your phone calls!!  He will be here soon!!

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