Sunday, March 11, 2012

BP's Room

I know I just posted a few hours ago, but I can't help adding another one.  Garret and I just finished decorating the baby's room with our wall stickers.  It turned out so much cuter than I would have ever imagined.  I thought it would look super random with stickers just put up haphazardly, but it looks like everything has it's place and fits so well!  I also wasn't sure how the stickers would look on the wall since it's a textured wall, but it totally looks like the pictures are actually painted on the wall.  It's hard to show the extreme cuteness with separate pictures, but it'll give you an idea.  I'll start at the door and work my way around the room.

Outside of the door to his room

Wall next to the door with Sammy's tank

Wall opposite of door.  Get it?  He's dreaming about food!  Also, there will eventually be a different frame on that wall with one of our maternity pictures with BP's name spelled out in letter blocks.  Couldn't ruin the surprise this close to his arrival. ;)

Wall opposite Sammy's tank.  There is our rocking chair on the right side, and his closet is to the left.

Wall opposite the crib.  Door is to the left.  Better shot of the dresser in the next pic.

I am so in love with his room!  It was so much fun putting it together. :)

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